
Friday, 29 January 2010

Royal Flush (Working Title) Opening Title Scene Script - By Kirsten Barman

Scene 1

Camera is following a young man Joe Messina, hurriedly walking up a narrow flight of stairs. He is dressed in a smart suit and hat. He comes up to a door. Knocks twice, and enters.

Scene 2

Don: Let him in

The door swings open and Joe Messina enters. The room is large and open but quite dark. At the opposite end is a desk and large leather chair. The back of the chair is facing the window.

Enter Joe Messina

Approaching the desk with caution

Joe: My Brother

The chair swings round to show a tall, handsome man, Don Messina. He is only young, but has obviously seen action and excitement. He too is wearing a suit and smart clothing. There is a quiet sense of satisfaction across his face.

Don: Aaaaah my brother. You bring me good news I trust

Joe: He isn’t going to be a problem anymore


Scene 3

We are in a dark smoke filled room. The lights are low and there is a faint rumble of talking. In the middle of the room is a circular table covered with a green cloth, around which six men are playing poker, smoking cigars and drinking. Luciana Messina enters carrying a tray of glasses.

She walks the perimeter of the table, replacing glasses at the table as she goes along. None of the men pay much attention to her; they are transfixed on the game of poker. She replaces the last glass on the table, and then puts her hand on the shoulder of Joe Messina.

One of the players, Leo Ramone, takes a sip of his drink; he looks around, and starts to look dazed and confused. Joe Messina looks over his shoulder to Luciana Messina; Ramone puts his cards down on the table to reveal a royal flush, the highest hand in poker. Then collapses on top of them.

A hand drags the body away


Scene 4

The scene is now light. We are in a small graveyard; we can see a huge tombstone towering to the sky. Behind it is Marco Ramone a young man, he looks down to the grave stone a reads the inscription. He is holding a photo of his father and a rose. A young woman i seen walking up to Marco, in the distance. As Marilyn Johnson reaches him

Marilyn: Are you alright?

Marco: I'm going to find who did this to my father.

Marco breaks away from the hug and drops the rose and photo on the grave. We see Marco and Marilyn walking out of the graveyard together, before a fade to black.


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* Mafia Based Gangster Film
* Chicago, USA
* 1930's
* Two Rival Families, Messina's And Ramone's
* Predominatley Male Audience
* Middle Aged, But Some Younger Audience
* Similar Films Include:
The Godfather Trilogy
Pulp Fiction
Resevoir Dogs

Other Film Names

*Royal Flush
*A Brotherhood