What is your gender?
Male 11
Female 4
- Our target audience is mainly males
How old are you?
15-20 14
21 – 25 1
- Ages 15 – 20 are more likely to watch our film
Have you ever seen a mafia film?
Yes 10
No 5
- 75% of the people asked have seen a mafia film
If no would you consider watching one in the future?
Yes 4
No 1
- Only one person of the five never seen a mafia film would not see a mafia film
How long do you prefer a film to last?
60 – 90 mins 4
90 – 120 mins 10
More than 120 mins 1
- 75% of people prefer films that last up to 2 hours
Do you like mafia films with a lot of blood in them?
Yes 6
No 4
- More people preferred violent mafia films
Do you prefer old fashioned mafia films?
Yes 5
No 5
- The vote was split. Out of 10 people that had seen mafia films, half preferred old style ones like Scarface and The Godfather. And half preferred new ones like The Departed.
More classic. Old cars and settings. Prefer more modern things
- Some comments people left
What age would you be more inclined to watch?
15 9
18 6
- Out of the 15 people asked nearly 75% would be more inclined to watch a 15. This means we must aim to make our film a 15 to reach our targeted audience.
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